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Importance of Labelling 

A product label lets it stand out in a crowded market and lets customers know the product is part of the company’s line of products. This is important in today’s market due to the high levels of competition. The product label is the first thing potential customers see when they walk past it. If you want to start your business import export consultancy services are best to learn business. Get your hands on import and export business training and know more about labelling of products.   Most markets and countries require the same labelling requirements, but some markets or countries have slightly different requirements. Some markets may require some unique information related to a product, which you will have to label if you are exporting to the same market or country. Let’s explore more of labelling in this import export blog.   Labels come in a variety of forms – pieces of paper, printed statements, imprinted statements on a product, etc. They are usually attached to or integrated into a package. 

Must have information in Labelling-  

  • Country of origin 
  • Ingredient used 
  • Date of making 
  • Expiry date 
  • Weight of the product  
  • Direction of use 
  • How to store 
  • Handling marks 
  • Brand name 
  • Packaging size 
  • Barcode 
  • Port of entry 
  • Warnings  

Importance of Labelling-  

  • The purpose of labelling is to attract a customer’s attention. Labels can be used in combination with packaging and given as instructions on how to use, transport, recycle or dispose of the product. Labels can convey information about how the package or product should be used.  
  • The labelling of a product also exaggerates the product. It is also used for identification.  
  • The label can be used to display the ingredients of the product and spread awareness among the customers about the item they are consuming. Additionally, the label can also mention the ingredients.  
  • A product’s label should also provide information on whether the product contains harmful chemicals, particularly if it is intended for children.  
  • Product labelling is the means through which a brand communicates with its customers.  
  • The name of the product and the brand itself is a part of product labelling and these labels form the brand identity.  
  • When it comes to cleaning products, cosmetics, and medicines, the primary or secondary label should instruct the consumer on how to use the product. Using a product incorrectly can have serious consequences, so it’s essential that the consumer understands how to use the product. 

 International Regulations-  

There are laws that govern everything from what information your labels must include to the size of the font you use. Your packaging must also comply with language requirements in order for potential customers to find information easily and understand it.  

Getting international labelling right is one of the most important steps to success. In order to succeed in every market, you enter, your company can take certain steps: 

  • If necessary, conduct group testing with representatives of your target audience. 
  • Experts who know the applicable regulations can perform a compliance review. 
  • Ideally, someone with first-hand knowledge of the target market and culture should provide insight and review.  
  • Your international labels should be reviewed to ensure that they are easy to read in the target language and have the desired aesthetic impact. 


The color, font, graphics, and shape of labelling are important factors to keep in mind. You can also add embellishments such as foiling and embossing to your labels to create an extra point of distinction. Labelling that is on brand will help consumers to associate brands quickly with products and vice versa.   Know with import export course in Ahmedabad, how you can do correct labelling at one go.  To know more about export import business, you can also attend live webinar by Digital Exim with expert Kavit Ashwin Shah. Click the link below to join our webinar  https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bqz4SWH55nSGtKj3GnJAC8 Do give us a visit! 


A wise man once said that “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. This stands true in many aspects of life, so does it matter while you spend hours deciding on the name of your dream start-up company? NAME DOES MATTER! It matters the most if I’m not exaggerating.

The name you choose for your company is the first thing that the customers are going to know about you. “The first impression is the last impression”. While many of us try not to fall for it but can we really help?

A name is the first thing customers are going to remember about your company, so it should be worth remembering. It should be easy to remember and it must roll easily off anyone’s tongue.

Take it the other way; people should feel pride when they can pronounce your company’s name correctly. They must feel real smart to have the ability to correctly say the offbeat name you have chosen!

So, you have got the capital and are ready to work hard and smart for your business to flourish, and you think you have a name for your company. But do you really have one?

What is Import Export actually in the world of trade? Hey, if you are still in a haze about the Exim business, check this incredible blog out and know all about the business you are about to set your foot in. They also provide import-export consultancy services.

You must be wondering, what wrong or a less attractive name could spoil your million-dollar idea? Well, it can do worse than just fail to connect with the customers but it can and will fail to get the approval of legal documents if the name is offensive in any way.

Without further ado, let’s begin with the ways to achieve the best-suited name for your EXPORT-IMPORT company/business.

  • Begin with brainstorming

It’s the first and singular most important thing one needs to do and it’s the only thing that one dreads the most. Try words that describe your trade. Words like ‘Export/Import’, ‘Global’, ‘International’, and so on.

You can also try to add the name of the founding member of your company, or a loved family member.

  • Don’t be too much into details when it comes to naming

No one is going to remember a two-line long name of any company. I mean, imagine how ridiculous it would be to go on for 2 whole minutes to introduce yourself as a company.

For example, ‘Dhansukhlal and sons and daughters and Mansukhlal with his wife and daughter, Export business.

Also, don’t be too specific or narrow down the lane of your business with the name of your company.

For example, when you start you intend to export handmade bags but don’t add that product name to your company name like, ‘Dhansukhlal handmade bags Export Company.’

When you want to expand and export other products along with handmade bags, the name will surely stand in your way. Changing it will impact your customers in more than one way.

  • Avoid spelling mistakes

The last thing you want is to realize that you have spelled your most ambitious project, wrongly. Just imagine you will have to go through the tedious formalities just to change a wrongly spelled word!

  • Keep it tangy!

We all know it’s no big deal to make lemonade. It’s simple to make and it’s good in taste. What more to expect from a drink? It delivers what it says it will.

The name of your company should do two important works:

  1. It should convey the message: That is, the name of the company should easily and simply describe the services your company will be providing.
  2. It should be catchy: The people hearing the name of your company should feel the urge to do the simple act of taking out their phones and look for the services you provide.
  • The name should give positive vibes

The name will speak on your company’s behalf. You better want it to make a positive effect on the reader and/or listener. The first level of engagement your customers feel towards the company is the sound of the company name.

You don’t want your company name to sound either offensive or negative. This will do more bad than good. Friendly and catchy names always have a positive effect and so try to ignite the feeling of positivity in your customers with the name of your company.

Having said that, remember it’s not important to land upon the best name in the first attempt. Good things take time so be patient with naming.

My last words of advice would be, (if I may) be creative – be smart.

If you have come up with an excellent name for your company and are willing to know more. Click the link below and know more.

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