
How Sri Lanka is Friendly Export Opportunities for an Exporters of Tamil Nadu ?

India is continuously growing in the export sector. India has made one of the highest export businesses this year and still aiming to achieve more growth. Import-export courses online help in dealing with different factors of export and import. Export plays a major role in the economic development of any country. Import-export training in Ahmedabad explains trade relations between Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu. India has been the largest trading partner of Sri Lanka for ages. India had traditionally been a major source for Sri Lanka. Trade between both countries grew rapidly after the entry into force of the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement in March 2020. India’s exports to Sri Lanka were US $3.22 billion in 2020. Exports from India to Sri Lanka in 2018 were US $4.16 billion while exports from Sri Lanka were US $767 million.

Sri Lanka is One of the friendly export opportunities for an exporter of Tamil Nadu because :

Nearest Country-  Sri Lanka is the nearest overseas market to Tamil Nadu and provides one of the best opportunities to do international business. As Sri Lanka is a small country and lacks many resources and needs imports for domestic use, India is the nearest country with lots of resources and export opportunities. Easy Transportation-  Export import transportation is much easier between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. You can easily ship your products by water or air, being waterways are the best, cheapest, and easy transport. Language- Some parts of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka have almost the same language. The same language breaks the trade barrier and creates a better understanding between the exporter and importer. Easy visit- Most of it is difficult to visit your trade partner’s place and cross-check by themselves. But being both the places are not far, exporters from Tamil Nadu can easily visit Sri Lanka to verify the importer, that is not fake or fraudulent.

What does India export to Sri Lanka?

  • Mineral fuels, oil, and distillation products-  $334.26 M
  • Ships, boats- $297.96 M
  • Pharmaceutical products- $297.96 M
  • Sugar and sugar confectionery-   $200.80 M
  • Iron and steel- $194.78 M
  • Cotton- $190.10 M
  • Knitted or crocheted fabric- $185.83 M
  • Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers-   $173.78 M
  • Vehicles other than railways- $150.02 M
  • Coffee, tea, mate, and spices- $110.21 M

Other export items are-  Portland cement, rice, cement clinkers, etc.

What are the best items to export from Tamil Nadu?

  • Agricultural products
  • Textile products
  • Flowers
  • Leather and leather products
  • Automotive products

An export business just needs knowledge and lots of dedication and nothing is impossible. There is a huge opportunity to trade between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. So, stop thinking and start your export business. Digital Exim can help you in starting your export business.  Digital Exim provides export import classes, 6 month consultancy, and life time help desk. We have been in the trade business for years and our experts are there to teach export import through their experience. To make a better career in export-import business join our training program and we will help you be an entrepreneur or getting a job you love. Do give us a visit!

Check out Remarkable Career Opportunities after Export Import Training

With the process of international trade becoming a necessity for every country, the export-import field has become very promising and rewarding. Import-export consultancy services provide some of the best export-import training programs to enhance the skills and talent of candidates. Export-import training teaches candidates the whole process of how to set up a company or firm, documentation, financial process, payments, and everything that is needed to export or import a product.

Why to do Export Import-

  • It Provides a Large Market which results in more buyer/sellers.
  • Export Import helps in employment generation.
  • Large markets provides more profits to investor.
  • International trade can be helpful at time of crisis.

After export import training one can make a good start of his/her career as a trainee or fresher and can command a higher salary as understanding increases. One can work on MNCs and big private companies and earn a handsome amount.

Career Opportunities after Export Import Training-

One gets a highly paid job opportunity after doing an export import course.

  • One can be export manager, import manager, export sales manager, freight manager, logistics coordinator, international supplies logistic management, import and export operational controller.
  • Opportunity to get recruitment in Custom Procedures, Customs house agent, Supply chain management.
  • Candidates can work in different sectors like marine insurance companies, export departments, trading houses, development authorities and commodity boards, export processing zones, export promotion councils, etc..
  • One who is already work in this sector can get promotion in the existing job.
  • After the training you can easily get a job in any company, gain knowledge and experience and then you can start your own export import.
  • And the most important thing is you can start your own business after export import management course. 

There are many big companies that hire such people like Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, Indian Oil, Reliance Industries, ITC, etc.

Importance of doing Export Import Training-

It is the best program who want to start their own business out of it. You get A to Z of export import by experts and skilled peoples who themselves are master in this business from years. Training is better than courses because in training you will not only get theoretical knowledge but practical knowledge also. Digital Exim provides online import export training courses. It is India’s only Integrated Export, Import, Shipping, & Logistics Program. Digital Exim provides export import classes, 6 month consultancy, and life time help desk. Attend a live doubt solving session with our trade managers. To make a better career in export import business join our training program and we will help you be an entrepreneur or get a job you love. One can do really good in export import business and make a good career out of it. One thing that matters is your passion towards your work and can enjoy a lucrative career out of it. To know more visit our site!

Rock the FRENCH MARKET with Fancy Export Goods from INDIA

India has been a hub for Export Import Trade since ancient times. India exports and imports tons of goods and numerous valuable services to the countries of the world. Indian Exports grew specifically during this last year.
The pandemic surged and influenced the great demand of Indian Pharma around the world.  Indian Exim industry saw a huge rise in exports since the Pandemic and this man-made increase in exports is only good news for Indian Exporters
India established good trade relations with many nations to carry out healthy Bilateral trade. India’s trade relations with France had been special since both countries have a lot to exchange.

Here’s a list of goods India Exports to France:

  1. Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral – 506 Cr INR
  2. Machinery, mechanical appliances, nuclear reactors, boilers and parts thereof – 352 Cr INR
  3. Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof – 283 Cr INR
  4. Articles of apparels and clothing accessories (knitted $ non knitted, and crocheted) – 545 Cr INR (COMBINED)
  5. Organic chemicals – 204 Cr INR
India’s exports to France has significantly been increased the last year and reached 40.72 Billion INR from 30.15 Billion INR the year before that.
India Imports, majorly, steel from France and this way both the participating nations are benefitted from this trade union.
The video included more details about the trade relations between India and France. Watch the video and be enlightened!
India holds many precious goods to be exported to the world. Many nations have been benefitted from Indian exports. India shares good trade relations with most neighbour countries and many countries in the European Union.
As an Indian Exporter, you stand a vast sea of opportunities to export a variety of goods to the world. If and when you find yourself ready to export, find us over the internet and we shall aid your Exporting Business.

Here’s a link to read Export Import Trade related Blogs:

Do visit our page.

She runs a Business – Reality not a Toboo!

India stands 9th in the EXPORT IMPORT TRADE, in the world. India exports goods worth 2.34 Lac Cr INR to the world in the year 2019. When a country’s exports are more than its imports, it’s an advantage. When exports are done, a country’s goods are sold in international markets, yielding revenue and when that country imports money is spent and its GDP decreases.   Export and import play a huge role in a country’s economy and hence are supported by the government through various policies. When a whole country and its government are involved in export, why is a particular gender left out or neglected or not amply encouraged to join the venture?   Women have been a backbone of a house, since the inception of the society. They are nurturers to hold the family together, even in the most adverse of times. Women are brave, protecting their children, women are everything life demands them to be.     

 In modern times, the survival struggles have changed and so has the perspective towards women, or a part of that perspective is changed. Women are independent, working, and self-sufficient in today’s world. She is free of society’s constraints and is willing to dedicate her life to herself rather than only to her family.   This attitude of women is not yet fully accepted by society as a whole. Men will have to be responsible and work towards their efficient survival if women are to be free and working, hence a fight to keep women behind the doors of the house keeps burning.   Women are not fully encouraged to work much less run a business of their own. There are only 14% of Indian women running their business, that too in the MSME sector. This means out of 58.5 million entrepreneurs only 8.05 million are women.   It is not the lack of knowledge or lack of required skills that hamper women from running their business efficiently, but the lack of will to let women run their businesses. Women are fighting many social injustices at the same time in their life and this is simply an addition to the fight.    If we dive deep into the matter, we might be able to understand the problem properly and might land upon a solution.    Firstly women are not welcome children in many culturally backward families of India. Girls are then not allowed education, and not allowed to attend school. The fear of girls attending schools and being wronged by the perverts of society overrules the possibility of a bright future for many young girls.   Places where girls are allowed free basic schooling are then not allowed to further prioritize their education. Hence the government of India took some essential measures and made girls’ education free.    This step not only helped girls to focus on their education but also allowed girls to get educated but also gave wings to their careers. A mixed or Co-education system allowed women to understand the counter gender from a very young age.    Marriages at a very young age stopped because more and more girls were willing to be educated. Women are made aware of their rights and so crimes against women are being addressed.    Once you have a vision, it becomes impossible to not run toward the fulfilment of that vision. Women are not only working but are working towards an ambitious career. Women are posing as competition to the corporate men.    Yet many willing and resourceful women are facing challenges when establishing their own business, as compared to men. Such discrimination shatters many dreams and keeps an enormously developing nation like India from attaining its true potential.   Many women who have the idea and the willpower to establish a business are not aided with financial support which discourages them. This is prevalent because women do not own any property on which they can ask for business loans.    To decentralize this issue, the government introduced policies where women must not compulsorily show their property to obtain a loan from the banks. Ideally, this should’ve solved the issue, but banks are still not obliging and asking women to comply with their needs.   Those women who come from a wealthy background, where money is not a limiting factor are seen to overperform.    Another pressing issue with women running a successful business is authority. Women’s authority is not readily accepted by male employees. Some women say, that when they send out important e-mails to partner up with other companies, a response is sent back to the male vice president of the company, thinking that the final call will be his.     

This is a display of denial of women’s authority. Society must be educated to accept women not only as a part of the free culture but also as an authority. Women are strong enough to run a household and to run a business successfully, whereas the counter gender is bound to choose and it is accepted!   The solution to discrimination towards women is not solved when men are treated the same way but is rather solved by understanding that women are indeed as much free and allowed to choose what they wants, as men are.    Concluding with a thought that not every fight is seen, nonetheless needs to be fought, bravely. Underestimating women is one such cause everyone should stand against, just not physically but mentally accepting that women are in the game and might just win it. 

 If you are inspired to read more empowering blogs, click on the link below:   https://digitalexim.com/blog/   If you wish to enroll in an outstanding export-import advanced training course, click the link below:   https://digitalexim.com/advanced-export-import-program/      

A Step by Step Guide to Registration of Import Export Code

Internаtiоnаl export import соurse сreаtes tremendous орроrtunities fоr business аnd eсоnоmiс exраnsiоn. India hаs steadily nurtured its glоbаl trade рrоfile over the past deсade, аnd lаst yeаr, the соuntry’s exports inсreаsed by 20%. As а result, the соuntry saw the fаstest GDP growth rаtes glоbаlly between 2013 аnd 2018. The gоvernment continues to ensure these suссesses by providing incentives for intеrnаtiоnаl trade. Hоwever, рrоsрeсtive trаders need to obtain the right permits аnd аррrоvаls befоre they саn соnduсt business internаtiоnаlly. An Imроrt-Exроrt Cоde (IEC) is one of these аррrоvаls.

Whаt is аn Imроrt-Exроrt Cоde (IEC)?

An imроrt-exроrt соde (IEC) is a key business identification number required for аll intеrnаtiоnаl trading in India. This 10-digit аlрhа-numeric code is given by the regional оffiсe оf the Director General of Fоreign Trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce. The соde is important fоr аll Indiаn businesses thаt wаnt tо enjоy the benefits of International trаde. The Imроrter usuаlly deсlаres their IEC number tоgether with the bill of lading to customs. This helps the оffiсiаls effectively administrate cross-border business and аlsо сurb illegаl imроrts аnd exports. The imроrt-exроrt соde is а neсessity fоr businesses intending tо exрlоre either imроrtаtiоn оr exроrtаtiоn оf gооds аnd serviсes.

A Steр By Steр Guide tо Registrаtiоn оf Imроrt Exроrt Cоde

The Ministry of Commerce, thrоugh the Director General оf Fоreign Trade, nоw рermits the оnline submissiоn, hаndling, аnd issuаnсe оf IEC аррliсаtiоns. Several serviсe providers have аlsо fоund а niсhe in IEC registration whiсh they оffer tо their сlients in Indiа. Hоwever, the рroсess оf getting аn IEC is now eаsier thаn ever, аs рrоsрeсtive imроrters аnd exроrters саn аррly fоr аn IEC number frоm the соnvenienсe оf their hоmes оr рlасes оf wоrk. Let’s рrосeed steр by steр. Steр 1: Visit the оffiсiаl DGFT раge (dgft.gоv.in): The раge is соmраtible with mоst brоwsers; аll yоu need is а deviсe соnneсted tо the internet. Steр 2: On the hоme раge, сlісk оn “Aррly for IEC” at the bottom оf the раrаgrарh titled “Register fоr yоur IEC”: A new page will load аfter you сliсk оn the “Aррly fоr IEC” iсоn. Steр 3: Fill in yоur knоw-yоur-сustоmer (KYC) infоrmаtiоn аnd раss the ReCарtсhа test: This page requires іnfоrmаtіоn аbоut the type of business уоu аre аррlying fоr (imроrter/exроrter, teсhniсаl аuthоrities, bаnk оffiсiаls…) аnd other personal detаils. A PAN number аnd Pin Cоde are alsо required. At the раge’s bottom is а “Send OTP” орtiоn. Cliсk оn thаt tо submit yоur fоrm аnd generаte а оne-time раsswоrd (OTP). Steр 4: Enter the generated OTP in the text bоx provided: This will аutоmаtiсаlly give yоu ассess tо the оnline аррliсаtiоn раge tо fill in the entity detаils. Steр 5: Fill in the аррliсаtiоn entity detаils, inсluding brаnсh detаils аnd direсtоr/ раrtner detаils: These require yоu tо рrоvide mоre sрeсifiс infоrmаtiоn аbоut yоur business аnd the business partners аnd directors. Steр 6: Upload sсаnned сорies оf the required documents: The neсessаry dосuments hаve been listed рriоr tо nоw; аll you need tо dо is to рiсk the document tyрe (PDF оr JPEG) аnd сliсk оn the “Upload” iсоn. Steр 7: Pаyment fоr fees: Yоu mаy рrосeed tо раy the IEC registrаtiоn fee of RS. 500 with either debit and сredit саrds оr viа net bаnking. Steр 8: Preview аnd рrint аррliсаtiоn: Preview the аррlication to ensure that there are no errors, аnd yоu саn аlsо print it to further scrutinize or fоr business рurроses. Cliсk оn “Prосeed ” аfter thоrоugh verifiсаtiоn оf the infоrmаtiоn оn yоur аррliсаtiоn. Steр 9: Submit аррliсаtiоn: Submit аnd generаte аn IEC сertifiсаte. Prосessing аnd issuаnсe оf the IEC соde tаke 10 – 15 days. Hоwever, if your аррliсаtiоn is nоt ассeрted, the office of the DGFT will nоtify yоu within 2 days by mаil with a corresponding reason fоr rejection.

Explore Major Indian Export Companies – How They Play A Vital Role In The Exim Industry

Big Shots In especially export Industries has become successful through their own hard work & tireless efforts. The Nation’s economy is being benefited widely as they stand as a ‘successful’ export company. Let’s jump to the point ‘top indian exporting companies’ & how major part they play.

Wo Insaan Jo Dusro Ki Nakal Karta Hai Thode Time Ke liye Safal Ho Sakta Hai But jiwan me bahut aage nahi badh Sakta

(A Person Who Copies others can be successful for a short time but cannot move forward in life)

– Ratan Tata

Below are the Names of Export companies or top indian exporting companies:

Reliance Industries (Oil, Gas)

Tata Motors (trucks, cars)

TATA Steel (Steel, iron)

ITC (Tobacco)

Coal India (Diversified Metals, mining)

Reliance Industries:

As Reliance’s Tagline says “Growth is Life” or “Fuelling India’s Growth”, it genuinely stands on it. It was founded in the year 2008 with the total Net income of 2.2 billion (as per different source). The Whole Empire of reliance was being created by Sir Dhirubhai Ambani which will be forever appreciated.

TATA Motors:

One of the Top Car manufacturers In India, Tata motors are incredibly strong in export. The Product includes military vehicles, buses, sports cars, coaches, trucks, cars & construction equipment. It was founded in 1945. The Business ethics of Sir Ratan Tata is really inspirational for all. They released the world’s cheapest car ‘Nano’ though due to some XYZ reason they had to shut off later.

TATA Steel:

India Exported 11 million tonnes of steel in the year 2019, while in April 2020 Tata steel sold approx. 80 to 90% of its production export markets.  Tata Steel was founded in 1907 by Jamshetji Tata. The Steel operates in 26 countries with a sound business ethics. Hence Tata steel is one of the major or top exporting companies of India.


Less Than 20% of India’s whole tobacco production is exported. It was being established in 1910 as Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited. After that it was renamed as India Tobacco Company Limited in 1970 and now I.T.C. Limited From the year 1974.

Coal India:

Coal India Limited, one of the largest coal producing companies in the world & a Maharatna public sector undertaking. It was founded in 1975. Though Coal India too faced tough times & criticism but still they are doing very well in exports.

 The Game of Metaphor?

There are many export companies’ names in India & undoubtedly they are doing well. But among those exporting companies, there are some major exporting companies with a huge impact on the exim industry. In This Blog, we will not talk about the export import procedures or opening the digest but will cover the impact. Just as Ramayan is Incomplete without Ram, Exim Industry is Incomplete Without Exporting Companies. Sounds a good metaphor, isn’t it? You can comment on your metaphors as well in the comment section (let’s see more interesting ones).

Exporting Is Always Beneficial To The Country

In the Tough Times of Pandemic, the exporting industry really helped in contributing to the nation’s economy. Though Import too plays a huge role but yes, the question of dependency arises. Hence, we must respect count exporting companies’ examples as well. There nothing wrong in importing but if we can encourage our manufacturers more in production then the result will be fruitful. 

Conclusion: As mentioned earlier, names of export companies are high, which is good but only few earn in millions. We can say below are the best top indian exporting companies. We need to really encourage the exporting industry today in order to rock the world with a sound economy. Also, it is not that we have limited resources, we just need to push people in start-ups & export business. Simply pushing is not everything, but guiding newbies is also one of the major roles. In guiding the exporters, no need to worry much because of the Digital Exim! Digital Exim, one of the top export import consultancy groups in India with a wide network.

The Export Import industry is something that is filled with tremendous growth but on other hand frauds too happen. To save them from such scams & to Guide each & every step towards their successful trade, digital exim is always there. The Banner of Digital Exim is Always high in the Export Import Industry no matter how many challenges come. We are never defeated! Call on 9505506333 to join Today! 

Import Export Strategy For Beginners

The expanding worldwide market for Indian goods aids in the development of an ecosystem that powers the economy. The increase in exports is encouraging for the Indian economy because it helps to stabilize the nation’s finances. India has developed as a hub for industrial manufacturing as a result of recent governmental changes. The expansion of exports is facilitated by improved infrastructure, quick logistical services, and increased manufacturing capacity. India no longer only exports agricultural products. Manufacturing is expanding quickly and has a significant impact on the economy. The necessary prerequisites for starting an import/export business are important to know for a beginner. The export import training gives you a proper idea of the required paperwork, procedure, and customs laws. 

Business Setup

Creating a corporate entity is the initial step in initiating an import-export operation. Without a valid license to trade on the foreign market, the goods cannot be transferred from the port. For verification purposes, Customs would request the relevant document containing all the certificates authorized by the authority. The import export license, customs clearance paperwork, and company registration number must all be displayed together with accurate information about the product you are attempting to import or export. You can sell or buy things on the global market once these standards have been met.  

Current Account

Each business must open a current account to be used for regular business operations. You must follow this method because it is required. You won’t be able to accept or send money from consumers without a current account in the company’s name. The current account guarantees continuous business with suppliers, customers, and dealers. The current account can be opened in any public or private bank. Keep in mind that you are responsible for paying the account opening fees, so pick your bank carefully.  

Export marketing plan

The next step is developing an export marketing strategy after you have finished the business registration process in accordance with Indian government regulations. Planning would increase the accuracy of your work and save unforeseen costs. The goal of the export and import strategy is to locate profitable company possibilities on the global market. Analyze the product demand around the world. To determine the price for each product exported from the country, work on the export pricing plan. In international trade, price disparity is crucial. In order to ensure a deal, you should learn how to control the price trend and seize the moment.  

Obtain Import export code

Your shipment must abide by both governmental regulations and international commerce laws. The company that sells and purchases products on the international market is given the import export code. Code, commonly referred to as IEC code, mandates the submission of key paperwork when sending goods through customs to other nations. To prevent problems with your cargo, talk to the accountant to grasp the laws and norms of doing business on the international market. You cannot develop an efficient import-export plan without IEC paperwork.  vital records Make sure the money you are investing in your export market plan achieves its goals without incurring too many losses. When operating in the global market, a firm faces several difficulties if you are unable to serve the consumer effectively. In order to maintain steady growth, adhere to the import-export trade laws properly.   Documents needed to get IEC  

Personal and partnership PAN card


Canceled cheque of the current account

‘Agriota’ e-market Launched by UAE | No more gaps between Food Industry & Indian farmers  

Agricultural exports account for 10% of India’s exports and form the country’s fourth largest export commodity. India is the world’s largest producer, consumer and exporter of agro products. Get and export import business training to know more about agro export from India.   India’s economy is heavily dependent on agriculture, which is the main source of livelihood for 58 percent of rural households. Learn import export online and know which product you can export and make good profit out of it.   UAE is one of the major trade partners of India and to make agro trading more effectively UAE has come up with an amazing idea.   An e-market platform for trading and sourcing agri-commodities has been launched in the UAE to connect India’s rural farmers with the Gulf nation’s food industry.  With Agriota, Indian farmers will be able to connect directly with the UAE’s entire food industry, including food processing companies, traders, and wholesalers.  This is a new initiative of Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), the government authority on commodities trade and enterprise, and Dubai’s free zone.   

By bypassing intermediaries, farmers can optimise their supply chain and ensure traceability, generating value for all stakeholders. 

  • By implementing a blockchain-based verification and extension infrastructure, the online marketplace also offers end-to-end transparency.  
  • Agriota will benefit millions of Indian farmers while simultaneously increasing the food security of UAE citizens.  
  • When using the platform, you will be able to engage in secure fund transfers thanks to a proprietary banking system with a multi-tier escrow structure.  
  • A number of foods will be offered with the Agriota platform, including cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables, spices, and condiments.  
  • With this platform, the UAE is advancing its goal of positioning itself as a world-leading center for innovation-driven food security and championing trade facilitation for agribusiness. 


In FY21, the Indian agricultural industry exported 28.49 billion US dollar worth of goods. In 2020, India positioned itself as the leading rice exporter (notably in the Middle East, where it contributed around 70% of the total rice imports).   Online export import course is beneficial for people who want to learn international business. Join our hand and start your export in just 60 days.  To know more about international trade live free webinar. Click the link to attend our webinar.   https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bqz4SWH55nSGtKj3GnJAC8 Do Visit our Website!

India overtakes Brazil as No.1 Food Supplier to Arab Nations 

Indian food exports to the League of Arab States surpassed Brazilian exports for the first time in 15 years. While the Arab world is Brazil’s most important trade partner, its distance from those markets impacted logistics during the pandemic. Learn import export online and start your import export business.    The imported agribusiness products by the 22 members of the League in last year were accounted for by Brazil at 8.15%, while India captured 8.25% of the trade during the same period.   The Arab world is among Brazil’s most important trade partners, but Brazil’s distance from those markets took a toll. Brazilian shipments to Saudi Arabia previously took 30 days could now take as long as 60 days due to the pandemic.

Why Brazil Lags Behind-  

  • During the COVID epidemic, the distance between Arab countries and Brazil affected global logistics services. As a result, Brazil lags behind India when it comes to food exports.  
  • Brazil has also lagged behind in this area due to China’s increased food inventory during the pandemic. Because of this, the trade of Brazil has also suffered.  
  • In spite of pandemic-related global supply chain disruptions, India had an advantage in quickly shipping food products to the Arab states.  
  • India has geographic advantages that allow it to ship fruits, vegetables, sugar, grains, and meat within weeks.  
  • Despite the country’s overall exports dropping by over 7%, India’s agriculture exports increased sharply by nearly 25% in 2020-21 over the previous year. 

The Saudis are still the biggest buyer, but they are also the biggest re-exporters of food.  


A disruption of traditional shipping routes resulted in Brazil losing market share to other exporters such as Turkey, the U.S., France, and Argentina as well.  Agri-food exports are still one of Saudi Arabia’s largest exports, but the kingdom is also working hard to boost its domestic food production.   If you are interested in international business connect with import and export training courses and give a fresh and energetic start to your business.  You can also join our live free webinar. To attend the webinar, click on the link given below.  https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bqz4SWH55nSGtKj3GnJAC8 Do visit our website.  

Potatoes are Exported in Maximum quantities from India

Indian Export Import Consultancies are focused on exporting the most suited goods from India. India’s primary source of economy is agriculture hence export of agricultural products is a profitable deal. India is the second largest potato producer country in the world. Is there any country that doesn’t need potatoes? Potato is a food eaten in every corner of the world in different ways. India is one of those county that has huge consumption of potatoes but still India is capable of exporting potatoes after fulfilling the domestic need.

Potatoes Export Volume of India in 2020-21 :

Consecutively Nepal holds to be the top importer for the largest portion of Indian potato export at over 218 thousand metric tons. Followed by Oman with 22 thousand metric tons of fresh and chilled Indian potato export. That year India nearly exported 323 thousand metric tons of potatoes. The export of potatoes from India was valued at over five billion Indian rupees. This was an increase from the previous FY export value of over four billion Indian rupees.

List of Top 10 Countries India Export Potatoes-

  • Nepal- 218 thousand metric tons
  • Oman- 22 thousand metric tons
  • Saudi Arabia- 15 thousand metric tons
  • Malaysia- 13 thousand metric tons
  • Indonesia- 11 thousand metric tons
  • Sri Lanka- 8 thousand metric tons
  • Kuwait- 7 thousand metric tons
  • United Arab Emirates- 6 thousand metric tons
  • Maldives- 4 thousand metric tons
  • Mauritius- 3 thousand metric tons

Potatoes World Export-

The demand for Indian seed potatoes in the global market has been raised by 25% of value in the last five years. Potatoes are liked and appreciated all over the world. International purchases of imported raw potatoes cost an estimated US$5.1 billion in 2019. From a continental perspective, European countries bought the most imported raw potatoes in 2019, costing $3.6 billion or 69.2% of the global total. In second place were Asian importers at 14% while 7.5% of potatoes imported worldwide were delivered to North America with 6.6% going to North America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQf0v4ewir8&t=1s   Mentioned below are the Top 10 countries that imported the highest dollar value worth of raw potatoes during the year 2019.

  • Belgium: US$769 million (15% of total imported potatoes)
  • Netherlands: $463.4 million (9%)
  • Germany: $348.4 million (6.8%)
  • Spain: $338.9 million (6.6%)
  • Italy: $244.2 million (4.8%)
  • United States: $220.3 million (4.3%)
  • France: $157.7 million (3.1%)
  • United Kingdom: $148 million (2.9%)
  • Russia: $132.7 million (2.6%)
  • Portugal: $120.2 million (2.3%)

Potatoes have many uses and are cooked in a variety of styles across the world. Potatoes are used in cooking as well as in pickle making. To boost the export of Potatoes, the Indian government has taken an initiative as potatoes are permitted for export without any minimum export price. Potato is a major crop in India and is mostly grown in different states of the country like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, and Gujarat. India is exporting to more than 30 countries around the world. India is one of the major exporters of Potatoes even so India is one of the largest Consumers of Potatoes. Potatoes are used as salad, as the main course sabzi as dessert! Such varied use of potatoes is not solely in India but around the world, hence such great demand. Organically grown potatoes, fresh potatoes, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, sugar-free potatoes, etc, are the most famous varieties of potatoes. The price of potatoes varies from 10 rs/kg in India to 50 rs/kg. When exported to international markets yields more than double the return earned in the local markets. Export import business training figures out the facts and details of exporting potatoes.

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