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What is Registration Cum Membership Certificate? 

RCMC is an authentication certificates that verify that an exporter is dealing with products registered with the government and that the products are legitimate. These certificates are issued by the organizations that certify exporters and importers. Import-export training in India is the best place to Know about RCMC and its importance. Import-export business classes will guide you to start your business.   It is valid for five years. It is issued by the Export Promotion Council (EPC) and the Community Board of India. Exporters must obtain a Registration Cum Membership Certificate (RCMC) to take advantage of benefits provided by the Foreign Trade Policy. For more information read this export import blog on RCMC.  When applying for an RCMC, an exporter must declare his mainstream business in their application, which will be submitted to the Export Promotion Council/ Commodity Board.   This RCMC will be valid from the first of April of the licensing year when it is issued until the end of the licensing year on 31st March.   RCMC is mandatory for anyone who is importing or exporting restricted items or anyone seeking benefits or concessions under Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) such as duty drawbacks and duty credit schemes.

Need of RCMC?  

  • An RCMC is one of the mandatory documents needed to qualify for export incentives and subsidies under schemes like MEIS, RoSCTL, RoDTEP, SEIS, Advance License, EPCG, and so on. 
  • To obtain a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) under GST for the export of goods without paying duty. 
  • As an alternative to the regular GST on a product, merchant exporters can acquire goods that will be exported for 0.1% GST. 

Application Procedure 

For exporter registration with the applicable EPC, the form ANF 2C must be completed. Exporters can be registered under two categories: one for the manufacturing exporter and another for the merchant exporter. For manufacturing exporter registration, a proof of the same must be submitted. 

Document required-  

  • Copy of the Import Export Code issued by the DGFT with self-attestation. 
  • A self-certified copy of the Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by the competent authority. 
  • Copies of the Partnership Deeds in the case of a partnership firm. 
  • Copy of the applicant’s manufacturer’s license if he or she is in the manufacturing sector. 
  • Provide the names, residential addresses, contact numbers, and any other relevant information about the Partners/Directors. 
  • A copy of the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) (in case of a corporation). 
  • Copy of the self-certified certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies in connection with a company’s change of registered office.
  • Copies of self-certified GST registration certificates. 
  • A self-certified copy of the Trust’s Deed (For trusts, institutions and corporations). 
  • You must pay the membership fee to the ‘Services Export Promotion Council’ either in Demand Draft or by remitting the membership fee by check payable at branches of the ‘Services Export Promotion Council’.  

RCMC holders who have changed ownership, constitution, name or address of their organization must inform the registering authority of the change within one month following the occurrence. The registering authority accepts reasonable reasons for delays. 

List of Export Promotion Council: 

1 Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)-  https://apeda.gov.in/apedawebsite/index.html  2 Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC)-  https://www.aepcindia.com/node  3 Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics and Dyes Export Promotion Council (Chemexcil)-  https://chemexcil.in/  4 Carpet Export Promotion Council (CEPC)-  https://www.indiancarpets.com/  5 Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI)  https://www.cashewindia.org/   6 Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL)  https://capexil.org/  7 Coffee Board  https://www.indiacoffee.org/  8 Coir Board  https://coirboard.gov.in/  9 Council for Leather Exports (CLE)  https://leatherindia.org/   10 Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC)  https://www.eepcindia.org/   11 Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH)  https://epch.in/   12 Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)  https://gjepc.org/   13 Handloom Export Promotion Council (HEPC)  https://www.hepcindia.com/   14 Indian Oil Seeds and Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC)  https://www.iopepc.org/   15 Indian Silk Export Promotion Council (ISEPC)  https://theindiansilkexportpromotioncouncil.com/  16 Jute Products Development & Export Promotion Council (JPDEPC)  https://www.jpdepc.org/  17 Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA)  https://mpeda.gov.in/  18 Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council (PHARMEXCIL)  https://pharmexcil.com/  19 Rubber Board  https://rubberboard.org.in/public  20 Power loom Development & Export Promotion council (PDEXCIL)  https://www.pdexcil.org/  21 Project Exports Promotion Council of India (PEPC)  https://www.projectexports.com/   22 Services Export Promotion Council (SEPC)  https://www.servicesepc.org/   23 Shellac and Forest Products Export Promotion Council (SHEFEXIL)  https://www.shellacepc.com/   24 Spices Board  https://www.indianspices.com/  25 Sports Goods Export Promotion Council (SGEPC)  https://www.sportsgoodsindia.org/  26 The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (TEXPROCIL)   https://www.texprocil.org/  27 The Plastics Export Promotion Council (PLEXCONCIL)  https://plexconcil.org/  28 The Synthetic and Rayon Export Promotion Council (SRTEPC)  https://www.srtepc.org/  29 Tea Board  https://www.teaboard.gov.in/   30 Tobacco Board  https://tobaccoboard.com/indexeng.php  31 Wool and Woolens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC)  https://www.wwepcindia.com/  32 Handicrafts Business Promotion (TOOFANI)  https://www.tooofani.com/


In India, there are 26 Export Promotion Councils (EPC) and 9 commodities boards. Commodities boards and Export promotion Councils are the ones to issue RCMCs as they are authorized to do so by the Central Government. Import export training course provided by Digital Exim will give you insight into knowledge of international trade.   If you are really interested in learning export import join our live webinar. For more click the link below  https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bqz4SWH55nSGtKj3GnJAC8 Do visit our Website!   

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